A Vietnamese aunty taught me how to be bold:

One thing that would send Swiss people into a comma….

Most middle-aged women in Saigon walk around in their pajamas.

(Or how you brits love to say: “pyjamas”)

At the store, on a walk, on their bikes.

They full on rock that stuff.


Why? It’s bold.

It’s this “unbothered-and-abundant-kind-of” energy.

And I thought about this a lot…

That bold-factor is why people buy from you.

It’s not because you “speak to their pains”

Or “showed them the solution” —

I mean these things slap and they’re essential.

But if you’re real honest you know,

That it’s “the sauce”.

The sauce is that FOMO effect:

The fear of missing out +

A feeling that YOU can help them.

Listen, your leads are not cold.

Most times they’re luke warm.

Until it gets hot.

So hot, they have to reach out.

You’ve taken on enough mental real estate.

They think:

— I like how bold you are

— I like you as a person and feel inspired

— I want what you built for yourself

Most times it’s a combination of that.

BUT: It’s not like that for everyone.

While I might think you have the sauce — others don’t.

And that’s okay.

The lesson here?

Find the parts that make you known for one thing.

Expose your awkward nerdy sides.

Bring in an analogy of your life and connect it your content.


And if you’re not sure how to expose that bold-factor…

Book a 1:1 consultation call with me to discover your “sauce”.

It’s $299. Price goes up on Friday.

Your call.

PS: Tried my free storytemplates yet?

Send me the word “pyjamas” if you did. I promise I’ll reply.

I mean if the story-king Roman uses them ….

Next email: the story of a VP of sales who said to me:

"Good for you, that's a cute business."

See you on Thursday xoxo