u deserve the best clients

heres how u attract them

Shit hits the fan…

That client left you.

The other one is stressing you out.

You wanted peace but you are left with drama…

Stop reading this + watch this 3 min video I made.

Everybody preaches about “attracting your ideal client”…


In my Hot Authority coaching I asked my client…

“Who do you want to attract?”

„People with money“, she jokes.

„Be specific“, I reply.

„Someone who is experienced with delegating sensitive work“

Then we spend 20 min mapping out the personality traits of her ideal client:

Someone’s who is:

  • confident,

  • trusting

  • comfortable delegating.

Which comes down to someone with strong leadership qualities.

We called him „Leo.“

Then we spend the next 20 min mapping out her experience with people who she‘s worked with that qualify as „Leos.“

Now this is where the work becomes fun.

Writing out her strategic stories. For example:

→ A difficult decision she made within a risky case (& how Leo trusted her)

Next she had a fully focused content strategy that activates the RIGHT FOLKS.

(I used this frameworkk with another client in April & he made €9.5k in 7 days.)

If you’re a service provider you’ve been taught to target a specific niche industry to find that hidden gold.

But jokes on us…it’s really about activating the personality traits of people we love to work with.

If you want to call in & activate the right folks into your universe…

Join my 1-1 hot authority coaching programme.

All you gotta do is reply to this e-mail & I‘ll send you the details.

Vamos!! 💌,
