Positioning is the new oil

why your life depends on it

Positioning is the new oil for one person internet businesses.

And we’re missing the point, because…

Most people don‘t know their power.

Some people make us feel like we can act on the business ideas we walk around with & dominate the world..

Some allow us to dream big & obsess over the right things….

Some question the gap we live in & investigate how we can move our life forward…

Positioning it just using & understanding your power.

She‘s a killer copywriter.

For a long time she hid behind the shadows of „Good enough copy“.

Her copy lacked personality &

she was afraid of using big words + claiming big things.

But then she moved to Asia and started doing big scary things and those daring moves just trickled down into how she presents.

She made the switch earlier this year and tested the waters. Using her power.

Now she’s known for punching cybersecurity in the throat.

Since she joined me in Vietnam she‘s closed 2 big clients at $14.5k

(i know, wild).

Just cause the woman dared that one big scary shift.

Kelsey and I in BKK 🔥

I talk to so many people, who want to shift - but they delay the big move cause their brain betrays them.

If you only knew that people buy proximity to you cause you remind them of something they want.

Owning your power is understanding why people want a piece of your cake.

And the best part is … you can eat it too. 🍰

If you think about it - every „big“ move starts with one click.

One message.

One question. One answer.

One call.

You just need one shot.

Write yourself into luck.

Nothing big about it.

Just a few edits & a bit of courage.

What‘s a big shift you‘re making RN?

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Hasta la vista,
