Do this if people find you inspiring but don’t buy from you

my fav hack

5 months ago I couldn’t convert Founders who DM’d me.

They’d message me things like:

“You’re so inspiring”, or “Love your stuff!”

I’d reply: “Thanks!”, but really I was thinking:

“Why don’t you just buy from me then?”

There were many reasons.

The obvious ones:

  • They couldn’t visualize HOW I could help them

  • They didn’t trust me enough with it

  • Yes, they had an issue awareness.

    But they just didn’t see how I could help them

Now, we love a little challenge right?

Here‘s a sneaky tip of how I turned those

“Admirers” into “Clients with wallets”.

When I would get on discovery calls with prospect,

I‘d ask really precise questions.

First I’d warm the conversation up and ask:

  • What inspired you about my posts?

  • How would you apply this for yourself?

  • What type of stories does your ideal customer

    need to read, to buy from you?

Then I would get off the call. With the data I had,

I’d write how I’d solve their situation in a post.

For example:

One of my prospect asked me:

‘But how do I sell with my story?’

So I used her customer story and made a post about it.

Sneaky, I know. That’s how I roll.

Here’s how I did it for a prospect that turned into a client the very day:

There’s 2 questions you need to find out in that call:

1.) What limits them from {the pain you’re solving}?

2.) Why do they feel stuck with {the thing you’re solving}?

Once you have the data, present it.

Now why will this work for you?

It speaks to peoples objections.

Also it shows you’re confident and somewhat courageous.

Don’t let those inbounds run away.

Outplay your competition.

And if you want to get a headstart to 2024,

  • Land an extra 2-3 clients to your pipeline

  • Boost your authority on Linkedin with competitive storytelling

  • Attract an audience that buys from you over and over again

Book a 90 min “content audit” session with me.

  1. I’ll roast your profile before the call (with Loom videos)

  2. I’ll give you tailored+precise suggestions and advice

    what you need to do to convert your profile clicks

    (Headline, About, Featured, Experience, Content, Banner)

    BUT! Don’t book this call if you can’t handle the heat.

I’ll tell you the truth why your profile views aren’t converting.

Again…don’t book if you can’t stand to sit in the hot seat.

PS: No, I won’t tell you to engage more.

Let’s skip the Linkedin guru fluff.

Next email: what stories you should tell and which one you should shut up about.

Happy storytelling,


PS: Send me a heart emoji if this email was helpful.

You know - I’m just collecting some data to know if it did 👀