Why monk mode is a scam

Sum serious revelations

2 weeks ago I came to Bangkok & locked myself in…

My plan was to go all monk mode.

But few days in I had some profound revelations…

Tune in here to hear my perspective on why we need to combine more play to make more money.

Get your tea. Grab a snack.

Also let me know if you liked this format :)

On the flip side… 

Doors to my 1-1 Hot Authority coaching are open now. (1/3 seats are taken).

Ready to become a Hot Authority with a strategic storytelling engine to make $9.5k in 7 days and more? 

8 weeks. You and I…

Reply to this e-mail and I’ll send you the details 🙂 

(I won’t promote this too hard, because I know this will activate the right people. I’m extremly passionate + proud of this coaching + the value we delivered)

Tomorrow I’m revealing the secret strategy that made my client Alex $9.500 in 7 days (!)

It’s mental. Get ready!!!

