He’s not serious about you

I’ll tell you why

You know that guy you’re seeing…

but never end up dating?

Yeah, that guy that says he “wants to be with you”, but won’t commit?

Yeah that one…

Well — ditch him.

Same goes for tirekickers.


1 month ago, my friend and I pitched to a guy that wasnt ready to buy…

We launched a coaching programme.

(Never made it official - it’s still in beta)

But we lost 2 days because of this one mistake:

We only spoke to our prospects pains.

Meaning: we reviewed what he was doing wrong.

And gave him a bunch of suggestions.

But we failed to paint his ideal scenario.

It was a lost deal. He ghosted us.

But that situation taught me one important lesson:

Unless you’re speaking to your target client.

Don’t be the guru.

Don’t be the expert.

Just be the person a couple of steps ahead.

Shift from the guru language that only talks to pains…

And give your people some solutions.

For me the results have been incredible.

I’ve used language in my stories that double down on dream scenarios.

Not just pains.

Put people in the drivers seat.

You’ll attract those who not only want to take action,

but those who are READY.

Anyways… is black friday finally over?

My inbox is flooded with all these sales mails.

What did you buy? Hit me up.

I wrote this e-mail in the rain.

Next e-mail: An estranged friend asked me to hire him.