I got a cute business

And so do you

Chatted with an old highschool pal this week.

He‘s a vp of sales and started posting on Linkedin for some time.

“Oh so you’re lifestyle businessing huh?”,

he jokes in our call, as I told him I currently live in Vietnam.

What he was actually saying:

“Good for you, that’s a cute business.”

I smiled, detached and said:

“Yes…a cute business that gets me money in the bank.

From posting 5x a week.”

Then he goes:

„But how do you deal with all this competition?“


I skipped a bunch of my “competitors”

By storytelling my way into the mental lobes of my target audience.

(Most of my clients came to me asking to write for them the way I did for myself.)

Now, here’s the cheat code:

Have you ever left a movie theater and felt like the story followed you home and stayed with you for a while?

That’s the effect we wanna have on folks.


The tricky part of building a story-brand is…

You have to tell the RIGHT stories.

Those who make people wanna ACT.

And since you‘re still here…

Are you? Nice.

If you want someone to buy your offer, product or service:

You have to set up a space where we can develop curiosity.

Plant some emotion.

Drive anticipation.

Share the lesson, then deliver.

Just like I did here.

If you feel like your content sucks &

Your stories are not generating you leads,

you can either investigate this email framework,

rock it on your own OR:

Let me help you with your storytelling.

And wait…here‘s a little reminder:

Price goes up tomorrow. Be quick.

PS: If you celebrate thanksgiving…

Happy thanksgiving to you.

and if you‘re not -

Reply which place you‘re from!!

Either way I’m grateful for you.

Next e-mail:

Why I stayed stuck in my apartment all week.

Talk to you on Sunday.

Me delivering the tea at 1 AM vietnam time