I faced my demons and made serious bank.

Why marketing yourself should be fun

Most people are addicted to escaping hard things.

I did too. Here’s a quick story.

When I came back from Vietnam,

I experienced a weird existential crisis.

I came into this weird comparison rut where I would see

everyone copying and mimmicking everyone…

Slowly I began to doubt all my decisions.

And this was a very foreign feeling to me.

I never typically doubt myself.

Anyways that voice got louder in my head.

“‘They have it figured out and I don’t.”

I fed into the lie. Maybe you’ve felt this too.

That time a coach reached out to me and I invested in their program.

1 week in I realised this coaching wasn’t going to help me at all.

If you‘re a consultant, 2 years into your business …

Here‘s something I‘ll tell you.

You don‘t need a business coach.

Yes. I said it.

You don‘t need a business coach to give you scammy sales scripts.

Matter of fact you don‘t need anyone.

You just need to work on marketing yourself.

And that means you need more confidence.

Chances are the reason why your business isn‘t taking off the way it would

(Whatever that dream looks like to you)….

It‘s not because of systems. It’s not sales.

It‘s not because of your website or because of your branding.

Above all things it’s because of your CONFIDENCE.

If you‘re confident, you advocate for yourself.

And that radiates. People feel that shit.

That‘s when they buy from you.

Investing in a coaching that promised me all things under the sun

set me free because I learned the hardest lesson I HAD to learn.

And it‘s good. I‘m finally free.

The glass is NOT greener on the other side.

There is literally NO blue print or hidden sauce or secret that is gonna magically turn your business around.

There literally isn‘t.

I learned that I had to do to what I’m really good at.

Focus on my writing. Listen to my inner compass.

Focus on the one thing that gets my clients results.

Focus on what my audience really needs from me.

And as soon as I advocated for my accomplishments,

positioned them, those leads came flying in.

If you‘ve ever thought of working with me —

You now have the chance too.

I now have 3 doors open for my story coaching.

We have fun writing your stories and make money

on the side for 30 days straight.

Starting on March 8th,

I‘ll work closely with you to apply my systems to help you attract the RIGHT people to your DMs.

You deserve all these qualified leads. I want you to succeed.

It’s the exact storytelling system that made my client $12k in 28 days.

The system that got a client $20k in his pipeline in 14 days.

The stories that made me my first $12k last year.

I replicated this system with over +23 operators,

consultants, founders, coaches and agency owners.

What I found was storytelling is super strategic.

And I’m here to teach you excatly HOW.

If you’re a consultant, coach or agency owner this ones for you.

In this 4 week programme I’ll work closely with you to sell +

attract the qualified inbounds you deserve.


All through your story.

Spots are limited to 4 beautiful people.

Doors close on March 1st.

It’s $200 per week.

PS: Only sign up if you‘re ready to bet on yourself &

advocate for your achievements.

😈 You know the drill.

See u there 💜