- Grow your influence. With irresistible storytelling.
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- Doors close in 24h
Doors close in 24h
grab ur spot
I've worked with absolute A-players whose service is worth gold -
but their promotion sucked.
Maybe you've observed this too:
You see your competitors excell at marketing and sales,
but you know their service is absolutely mediocre.
Why? Probably cause you’ve got:
1.) Promotion Anxiety
When I start working with consultants who want to fill up
their pipeline I always make sure we operate from a place of abundance.
We are abundant. Money flows easily.
Don't manifest scarcity by checking your inbox and beating
yourself up when people don't reply. Play the bigger card.
Lead with integrity.
Genuinely come from a place of wanting to help.
Lead by wanting to serve.
The ones who rise above are those who serve.
Adopt a service mindset. It will get you SO far.
And that brings me to:
2.) Build your Leverage:
Digitalize your knowledge with leverage.
For that, you need to build a small following of people who know, like, and trust you.
98% aren't going to buy from you. But 2% will buy your big thing.
For which you need a premium offer that transforms lives and allows you
to hit your goals with just 2-5 clients per month.
Writing content for profit isn’t a game of volume or being a great copywriter.
It’s about impacting people with your words and making them say
“Wow, you got what I need”.
If you want help putting these pieces together,
And hit a recurring lead flow in 90 days,
Adding $7k-$10k to your pipeline…
DM me “A-player” —
In my program, we work 1-1 to build you a LinkedIn Profile that
generates you qualified leads in your sleep.
Sounds pretty cool…
Last week a consultant capped the spots…
Which means i’ve only got ONE seat left for a very special consultant to land high-ticket clients from Linkedin in less than 90 days.
(My last client landed $9k client in 5 weeks.)
I'm also including a bonus 1-on-1 call with me
where I'll craft your personalized strategy.
Doors close tomorrow, January 15th.
It’s $500 a week, we start on January 30th.
If you want to wait that’s fine.
(I won’t offer this service until Summer.)
My client started from scratch. Never got a single lead through Linkedin. With Linkedin he made $9k in 5 weeks. Insane.
So if you want to grab your chance, reply “A-player” to this e-mail.
Dare to dream big,