I dated a boy who wanted to be the next Elon Musk

don’t open if you’re easily offended

I once dated a boy that worked at a bookstore.

He’d spend hours in the “Business” section and

I’d make my way to the psychology aisle.

Every week he’d get a new business read,

spend 1,000s of Swiss francs on biographies

of successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk.

I never understood why.

“I’m gonna be like them one day”, he said.

But then he’d always complain about his work and his boss.

For some time he got into crypto — but never persisted.

The thing was:

He never did anything about his situation.

And yesterday this boy reached out and asked me:

“How do you travel for so long?

Do you sell drugs?“

He had been procrastinating by reading Elon Musk.

The man was stuck.

He had never actually took action and did the THING.

Maybe you know a person like that as well.

We all struggle with distractions, procrastination,

and the sense that we aren't living up to our “FULL PoTEntIAL”

(gosh i hate that word).

And I feel like most of us procrastinate everyday.

I did with creating a newsletter.

But now you’re here and I’m here so we gucci.

The thing is, the universe only rewards action.

It doesn’t care about intention.

Whether we’re struggling with our content or audience building,

Lead gen is dry or we’re just doom scrolling Linkedin without actually engaging…

Take action and do the THING you’ve been putting off today.

If you want to get a headstart to 2024,

  • Land an extra 2-3 clients to your pipeline

  • Boost your authority on Linkedin with competitive storytelling

  • Attract an audience that buys from you over and over again

Book a 90 min “content audit” session with me.

  1. I’ll roast your profile before the call (with Loom videos)

  2. I’ll give you tailored+precise suggestions and advice

    what you need to do to convert your profile clicks

    (Headline, About, Featured, Experience, Content, Banner)

    BUT! Don’t book this call if you can’t handle the heat.

I’ll tell you the truth why your profile views aren’t converting.

Again…don’t book if you can’t stand to sit in the hot seat.

PS: No, I won’t tell you to engage more. Let’s skip the Linkedin guru fluff.

Here’s what Chris said about his 1:1 with me.

BTW: If you’re all about DTC - give this legend a follow.

Got a burning question? Reply to this e-mail. I always reply.

Oh and…happy storytelling.

Next e-mail: Why people say “you’re so inspiring” but don’t buy from you.