How my client sells $300k software

read this if you get ghosted by inbounds

I work with a guy that sells $300k software.

How do you sell that to an audience on Linkedin?

You have to:

  1. Get 2% of your audience excited.

  2. Get them to trust you.

  3. Leave them no choice but to act.

Now, our strategy is pretty basic.

  1. Create FOMO. (Stories of how his clients use his software)

  2. Educate. (Emotional stories of his big mission, his “why”)

  3. Show, don’t tell. (Testimonials of users and decision makers)

Most of his competitors aren’t on Linkedin.

So he built his unfair advantage. And it’s paying off.

Point is:

You know how transformational your product

and how invaluable your service is for your clients.

But your readers don‘t.

At least not yet.

Now it‘s UP TO YOU to fill that gap.

You need to give them that glimpse of:

"What will it cost me if I don't act?"

Give them a solid kick…

People postpone endlessly because they don't think

about or connect fully with the costs of inaction.

Think about what's down the road.

How do you make them act now?

Empower them to take action with you stories.

Now back to that guy selling software.

2 months in, he would get 4 qualified inbounds. Hurray..

But that’s not where the work ends.

I trained him and his teams to navigate his inbound DMs.

Let me walk you through a DM scenario.

Once someone reaches out:

“Hi, we’re interested in your solution,

we already have a solution for X but would love to explore

this for another department.”

Pause. Don’t blab it all out.

Wait. Ask more questions.

You need to get to the real pain.

Because now you don’t know what they need. YET.

So now you reply:

“Hi, thanks for reaching out. Why are you looking for this now?”

That gets you closer to their real issue.

Then they go:

“We have a lot of issues with our efficiency.”

Now get deeper into that.

“How do you manage it now?”

Let them talk about their issue.

“Cool. What would be your ideal state?”

Feel out their aspirations. What is their target?

Then refer to your solution.

But don’t educate. Don’t solve anything for them. YET!

You created that dream state.

Now you need to get them to pay you to fill that gap.

Detach. Relax.

Then — ask:

“Hey do you have a spot free for me on Tuesday, 2 PM?”

Let them answer first.

Only then send them your Calendly link to book a demo.

You’re a real one if you know why.

And if you don’t…

Send me a reply.

Sending you love,


Whenever you’re ready….

Shoot your shot and apply to work with me.

You have a $300k software? Want to sell it thru Linkedin?

DM me.